© Wanschi 2021 Datenschutz Impressum

My Biographie


I was born on April 4th in 1964. Back then, I probably didn’t know how I will be like.


They wrote the year 1972, when I was in Primary School in Gerstetten in 3rd grade. For the first time, I had with my class teacher Mr.

Deuschle something to do with Music. First, I tried the vocal in the School choir, after all, the German champion. I also took recorder

classes at the school. Back then, I didn’t have a problem with reading notes, which I can’t anymore.


A new chapter of my life began. In the 5th grade I had the teacher named Krause. He had a Band room in his basement and he was looking for musicians from the younger classes. With him I played the Lead-guitar for the first time, but I was never really good in it.


Harald Spengler, who was living in the same street as I did, was coming to me one day after a concert and was asking me if I want to play the bass guitar in his new Band. I told him that I play the guitar and not the bass guitar and he told me that this would be the same. So I tried it with Harald Spengler, Andy Mück, Stefan Kaufmann and Eddy Galaida in our new Band “Lemon Sylvan”. Practice in our basement and concert in a “teenager meeting” place.


We got a new Drum player Peter Langer, so we needed a new name. The new era “STORMWITCH” began. We had a lot of success and the concerts got bigger and bigger.


In the end of 1984, I had my worst moment of my Music life. They told me at the Band practice, that they don’t want to play with me anymore and that they already have a new one. For me, the world broke together. The coming years, I did not touch any instruments. Also, I didn’t hear anything about the success of Stormwitch. Some years later, some people called me if I want to play with them. I bought myself equipment’s and almost had 5-6 Bands, but everything only in the Band room.


My Music life began again with Mike Blaschke (normally an awesome guitar player – I don’t want to say anything about his humanity). First, also only in the Band room, but really Metal. We were very close to create a cover band of Deep Purple. Sadly it failed because of two Band members. Back then, we had Hendrik Plachtzik as out Drum player. But Mike didn’t want to play with Hendrik anymore, so we all split up.


Hendrik Plachtzik called me one day and asked me if I want to play with him in his new Band called “HENRY”. I still had my equipment, so I thought I will try it. The beginning was very hard. All the time we changed the members and we had to teach new players. With our first concert, the era “HENRY” began and when we got the new Keyboard player Andrew Roussak, we had a lot of fun.


Till now, the highest point of my Music life was the winning of the German rock & pop price 2003 in Hamburg with HENRY in the category “best composition” and “best production” with the title “Remember”. Organizers of this event were the German Rock & Pop association. 2005

I never thought that this would happen again. But Lis, the girlfriend of Andy Mück, called me and asked me if I can help out on a concert

in Sachsenhausen. What a question???? I did not think one second about it and I was back in Stormwitch as a member.


After a long search for good members from Stormwitch I found some. Since 2010, the Witch is back alive. Vocal: Andy Mück, Bass:

Wanschi (Jürgen Wannenwetsch), Guitar: Stoney (Ralf Spitznagel), Guitar: Marc Scheunert, Drum: Harry Reischmann


Finally a fix occupation for Stormwitch. Vocal: Andy Mück, Bass: Wanschi (Jürgen Wannenwetsch), Guitar: Stoney (Ralf Spitznagel),

Guitar: Marc Scheunert, Drum: Stefan Köllner


Stormwitch is going in the right direction! Peter Langer is back. Vocal: Andy Mück, Bass: Wanschi (Jürgen Wannenwetsch), Guitar:

Stoney (Ralf Spitznagel), Guitar: Marc Scheunert, Drum: Peter Langer


The occupation of Stormwitch changed again. The guitar player Marc Scheunert left and we got a new one named Volker Schmietow.

Since mid-July I’m also playing in the Band “ARMADA”